Karen and Dan’s downtown engagement session was a blast! And, these shots are the epitome of classic downtown Milwaukee engagement photos. The locations, the views, the couple: *chef’s kiss*
This couple is a great example of the whole ‘go with it’ mindset during engagement sessions. Karen and Dan self identified as awkward in front of the camera, as many people do. Heck, even I do! But, they had a great time and we got some amazing images! I truly believe it was because we kept it light and they kept themselves open to some of the admittedly silly prompts I gave them. One of the most important tips I can give any client is to trust me. Trust me to know when you look great, even if you feel awkward. I promise you’ll love your photos if you trust me to guide you!
I’m so glad Karen and Dan trusted me because just look at these photos! You can see their love, their silliness, and the fun they had. It was so fun to be a part of and to witness. Here are some of my favorites of their downtown Milwaukee engagement photos!