Meet Katrice

photography has been my 'thing' for as long as I can remember. literally. my father was a photographer. one of my earliest memories is a point and click film camera being placed in my hand. many props to my parents to developing the number of rolls of film I went through between 6 and 18. as I grew up photography began to mean so much more to me. it helps us remember. these little bits of time are captured forever. seeing the joy on my friend's faces when I'd had them prints after recent adventures was so meaningful to me. after college and the birth of my daughter I decided to dive in full time. and here we are. 7 years later & still learning and growing. i love it all.

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favorite things

mo·ment ˈmōmənt/ (noun) . a very brief period of time

our lives are composed of moments. there's so much beauty to be seen in the world but it disappears so quickly. this is true of the seasons, the sunrise, and so many beautiful times in our lives.

this is why i love what i do. even if it's a little chaotic, even if your little won't want to remember these moments. once they're gone. they're gone. i have so many images to look back on from when i was a kid. memories i cannot remember and cannot forget.

my favorite things include:

traveling. i take a few trips per year with family or friends + love to travel and work in different places. the world is full of amazing people, places, & cultures. it is a joy to see.

my daughter. obviously! she's an amazing little girl with a heart of gold. it's a privilege to be her mother.

food. i love to cook (and take photos of my food!). my favorite foods are pho, tadiq, and tacos. trying foods from different cultures is something i do often. i also enjoy going to any and all new restaurants. my favorite milwaukee restaurants are taqueria beunavista, braise & ardent (they are phenomenal check them out).

the arts. i take photos, i paint, and i write (a bit). i love to visit museums & galleries. my home is filled with art.

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