Jonah’s senior session(s) at Hoyt Park AND Hart Park were fantastic. He’s one of my last nephews to graduate high school (cue the tears I’m getting old). We did two different sessions on two different days because when your auntie is a photographer you’re allowed to get a little bit extra with your senior session (apparently). If you’ve been following me on instagram you might remember seeing me post Jonah’s prom…Well he’s back again in a really great suit for his senior photos. I mean, check it out. This young man has style – obviously.
Between Jonah and his mom there was a definite vibe for his session. Highlighting him and his big personality as well as all the sports he was involved in during his time at Marquette High School. His mom played a bit of music in the background as we took these photos so we got a lot of genuine laughs during this session as well as some sweet dance moves. We were able to get over to the Hart park field (on day two) so we could take some photos where he actually had some football games. We also ended with a few images of him in his cap and gown.
Jonah’s headed to UW Madison next year on scholarship because he’s also a really smart and driven dude – so many congratulations to him all around.